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What the hell is a psychic?

Lets start with the main terms that fly around, its time to make the paranormal a little more normal by taking the mystery out and working with the energetic science.

Medium - A medium is someone who can read the art of energy. They can re-cog-nize energetic imprints with their senses. Some use multiple senses and some only able to use specific senses at this time. A medium is like a translator for the dead, they relay messages. I like to describe it as a 3way call because I tap into the energy of the deceased and the living I am translating to. Mediums read the energetic programming captured with the emotional or energetic bodies. Mediums re-cog-nize

Channeler - A channeler allows spirit to take over the body to different degrees. Rather than relaying the message, they act as a host for the deceased spirit to speak for themselves through them, think TV channel. Channelers cog-nize

Psychic - A psychic has a broader field of vision than most and can see the energetic lines of "time". Psychics pre-cog-nize.

God de-cog-nizes ;)

I'll explain these a little more after discussing the functionality.

Energy exists in different frequencies. If you are "living" you have a physical, earthly mattered body. But you also have many more. The earthly bodies consist of very dense energy vibration. Then we have our emotional bodies, you can learn about that by studying the chakras. We also have higher vibrational energetic or "light" bodies which have an energetic imprint. Because most of us have the ability of sight but ask a blind person how they "recognize" people, they use their 6th sense. Also most, if not all, people can tell if someone is near them, behind them, or in a certain room. We have the awareness of being recognized or watched by others. Can't you feel eyes on you at times? The majority of us don't use our energetic sense because we haven't had to, we have the luxury and option of other senses. When you are trying to concentrate to remember something do you tend to close your eyes and cut off other senses?

One thing I always mention to those grieving is that you'll feel the most sadness when they are the closest to you physically. When you have a friend in the physical world you recognize them by their face, body, voice, etc but you also take note of the energetics, you just don't realize it because your other senses are louder, stronger and most often exercised. Now imagine someone you loved and have spent a lot of time with passes away. When their energetic body is near you you sense something familiar, you recognize the energy. But because you're accustomed to that energy accompanying the physical this causes confusion and suffering. The system gets confused and turns love into pain because they miss them, or think they do but really are reacting to their energetic imprint because they are present. We are multidimensional and can use energy concentration like breath to expand and condense.

Another term is "reading". When someone is "reading" you they are reading your emotional body. You can also read the physical body ie. palm readers, yoga teachers and body trainers, acupuncturists, massage/reiki therapists. Mediums read the energy of the living and dead because we all still exists energetically when the more dense physical body has expired and been shed.

Psychics pull from these energy lines to give foresight and recollection. At any given moment you have a past, present and a future projection. You see, energy is living and exists in radiating waves. Think of your nerve endings, they have potential to grow along energetic lines. Where do these lines come from?

Picture a tree. If you look at a tree you see the trunk, branches and leaves. The rooting system underground looks similar to the branching system. Let's say the tree represents you as a delivery vessel. Your root system (mind) consists of stored memory, each creating a wandering root with a new and concurrent system, and sometimes they get tangled up. The roots feed the body of the tree and begins to branch out. Let's say the branches represent thoughts, actions and events in your life. The tactile information stored in the roots/mind is delivered through the body to cause action and reaction as the branches grow, turn and twist in the collective space of a system. It is not that each root is tied to a particular branch but you can picture how the formation of the roots may play a part in patterning of the branches. Energy moves much like branches but trees are very dense forms of matter, their movement is in major slow motion (does this give you a hint about time travel?). If energy were static then our spirit bodies would be frozen in time.

Energy lines cannot be separated by time. You can't pick up a unit of energy like a grape and say "this is one minute of energy", it is woven. At every moment energy in the present is linked to energy in the past and future. A psychic can forecast from these lines and at times step into them for screen shots of time and events. Like crossing telescopic wires. Free will is a right and can always play a part in changing your direction. I like to use the analogy of a rubber band ball here. The rubber bands near the surface of the ball are easily maneuverable but the deeper you get into the layers the harder it is to budge them. Energy is like the rubber bands and time is the flexibility. Sure you can make decisions to change outcomes but some things are so embedded that the amount of time it would take to change the thinking pattern to alter the outcome also comes into consideration. You have to understand time, tension, meter and movement which play a part in forecasting.

So consider that if a person can read the past or present energy lines of a being then it is totally possible for them to learn the other direction but perhaps aren't emotionally prepared to see. We are all just energy and intention. The energy is a constant, the intention is up to us.

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