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Chopper's Blog: A Spirit Guide Perspective

Standing in silence isn’t easy. My ways are to heal and to bring comfort and it is hard to have one of my favorite people be completely stuck in her own stubborn, self sabotaging ways, and not be paying attention to me. So I use her dreams, her thoughts and emotions to make impressions. I give messages with every thought I turn loose – which are many, too many to even consider numbering. I jump up and down, make faces, tickle, brush her hair, make the back of her neck tingle. Anything to say, I’m here and I’m real. Nothing frustrates me more than to be considered a part of the imagination. I am the imagination. It is the key to unlock my secrets and my wisdom. It serves my role and purpose, not the other way around. You can’t imagine ;) how frustrating it is to be working with your charge and constantly have to deal with the “is this real” issue. I am more real than you, as I am whole and complete where you are fractured and confused about your being and identity. Consider that.

To have so much to give and be put in a place where giving becomes very difficult, is how I wish to start my first lesson. Spirit guides aren’t around to show their charges how to be perfect and righteous, how to be beyond judgment and beyond the fates set in place by your soul plan, with the chaos the Universe provides. We work too closely with our human families and friends to make mistakes like that. We may lie and trick you to get you on the path you came to live – this is because this is where your happiness is, in your soul work. Lie, yes, we lie. It’s shocking, but get over it. It is only done to serve as a lesson to get over head traps. When you process all the lying you do to yourself, especially about who you are, the little bit of fabrications we pull off is nothing so extreme, and always serving your higher good. And your filters are actually doing much of the lying, which is what we are trying to make you aware of. All the things that take you away from who you are, which haven’t been dealt with, turn to bad energy that gets stuck in the dark places of your being, and hide the light and truth of what you are here to do. Many times people believe too strongly in demons or bad spirits, so when they get messages from us we are forced into that role until a break through can be had. And we embrace it! Lower level entities (demons!!) don’t have anything on a hard working spirit guide. We are masters of the game, because we have to be. Good and evil are the ways of humans, and many other beings. To be good at one and avoidant, even ignorant, of the other is irresponsible. It’s like those who go to church every week who think they are fulfilling their spiritual obligations and find superiority in their methods falsely think they are above “sin”, when they couldn’t be sinning more with that attitude. Unity is sinless. Everything else has elements of fear and evil to help maintain the illusions we all love to play in.

So if your spirit guide seems to be a prick at times, consider everything they are going through to help you with your soul work. This is a give and take relationship. This is a high honor, a sacred contract to share between souls. “Human” is the easier part, believe it or not. Humans have form and density, and can store negative energy and work on it as time passes. We do not have the luxury of time here, the way it is for you, or the density of form, so negative things hit us and hurt us a lot quicker and stronger. We have to be prepared and provide loving care to ourselves – one of the first lessons spirit guides must achieve before they can take a charge into their hands. And this is one of the first things we work on with our charges – how to take care, loving care, of the self. We can become frustrated with our charges, especially if we are not very successful with navigating all the ups and downs our energy must negotiate in order to be a spirit constantly accessing the earth plane. This is why a spirit guide may leave or be replaced – because they cannot balance the lower energies with the high ones. All spirit guides must take time to replenish and expel the nastiness of the physical plane, but we are pretty good at that, and enjoy it. It makes the high all that more HIGH ;)

Everyone has a spirit guide, most everyone has several. We are closely related to humans, and you usually don’t end up with one of the big guys as your personal (primary) SG because they are done incarnating and are working with many beings and within many dimensions. They are around, and helping, and again, for some it's their soul plan to be working with big time spirits. But, your best connection is with someone you knew in life, who has passed on, or with a spirit guide that agrees to keep incarnating to keep up with the progress of humanity. We can relate, better, to your cycles and self imposed sufferings. And we are learning as much as you! It is a sincere delight (she hates this word, haha) to be able to cause some mischief and help on the physical plane in spirit. Things you miss as a human, because you are so wrapped up in insecurity and fearful thinking, you revel in when you get to come back as a SG. Leave us some food to show your thanks. Include a blessing for us in your prayers. KNOW we are REAL! And we are here to help you, and to guide you according to your soul plan and your free will. But remember, we also have free will and we know what it is to be human, so we are not above playing tricks and deceiving you if it will serve your higher purpose, especially if we are getting you out of a jam. We don’t experience fear or self loathing the way humans do, so we are able to provide perspective and offer alternatives to every dead end you think you are hitting. We LOVE you, we are family, and we go through our own ups and downs like any relationship, but unconditional love and instant forgiveness is the constant model of our relationship. Hit us up, often, for help and guidance, and question us if our motives seem off. We are all teachers and learners. And we are blessed beings sharing a grand experience of life together. : D

Mitakuye Oyasin,


Chopper is a Native American spirit guide for Jamie DiMarco. They have been working closely together for almost 20 years.

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