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Tarot & ME:

Falling Star Tarot


Falling Star Tarot offers insightful, intuitive, tarot readings to help encourage clarity, healing and self confidence. The focus on each individual reading centers around the sacred self - the part of you that is enjoying and loving the human experience and fulfilling a unique soul contract. Tarot uses imagery, numerology and the natural psychic abilities of both reader and querent to pull the richness and significance of each question into a more helpful, healing and clear context.


My special story:


My psychic gifts have been with me since birth, and for over 7 years, I have been reading and studying tarot. It has become one of the foundations of my meditation practice and psychic development. I use tarot readings as a unique process to fulfill my passion for helping others shed negative patterns that hold them back from living their best life - the life they deserve. When I'm not doing tarot, I'm also a licensed, mental health professional with a master's degree in social work.


How could those things go together? But they do!


Tarot is rich with imagery and numerology, the perfect triggers and accomplices to the subconscious mind. I've found that readings can help get to the heart of a problem, without the client having to give much information. Tarot always offers guidance that is practical, the challenge is overcoming the inner obstacles to manifest success. It's a wonderful privilege to be able to use my gifts as one, and to help others see their situation with fresh, and hopeful, perspective. Namaste.



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